Perfectionism isn’t a super power – it’s a mental health risk

While attending university, I became obsessed with productivity, sleeping overnight in the library, in order to balance course work, extracurricular activities and a part-time job. Eventually, I experienced a breakdown as the sheer exhaustion of trying so desperately to be perfect overwhelmed me. Perfectionism is an increasingly severe public health issue that we need toContinue reading “Perfectionism isn’t a super power – it’s a mental health risk”

The Introverted President

In a recent New York Times Op-Ed, Susan Cain addresses some of the concerns that have been made over President Obama’s ostensibly introverted personality. Mr. Heilemann may be right that Mr. Obama is an introvert, but his apparent sense of what the word means is wrong. Introverts like people just as much as extroverts do,Continue reading “The Introverted President”