Changing The Way We Think Of Unhealthy Habits

A few months ago I was added to a very interesting Google Group, where individuals with diverse interests send out thought provoking articles every Thursday.  One article sent out this week particularly got me thinking.  Eryn Brown of the Los Angeles Times writes of a new study that shows people tend to dismiss the negativeContinue reading “Changing The Way We Think Of Unhealthy Habits”

USAID Unveils Groundbreaking Global Youth Policy

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “The world demands the qualities of youth; not a time of life but a state of mind.” This was the statement that was used to publically introduce the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) new policy, “Youth in Development: Realizing the Demographic Opportunity” this past Thursday in Washington, D.C.Continue reading “USAID Unveils Groundbreaking Global Youth Policy”